The AK-47 is cheap, very reliable, and simple to train and maintain. It has been said the first child's weapon should be a AK-47, because almost impossible make it not work.It is very effective in combat, but not the best in every way. Most weapons from the M-16 forward are lighter that. The AK-47 is good at short range, but not longer ranges, as it is not accurate at longer ranges compared to other weapons.
With a M-16, with the same weight, a soldier could carry about twice as many rounds as a soldier with a AK.
One big problem with the entire AK series is it is impossible to make a internal silenced version of them. This is how you do it.
Add a foot or more to the end of it.
Silencers are useful in mainly twice situations, long ranges, or urban close combat, like inside a building. The AK is already bad at long range, and a extra foot isn't what you want on your weapon inside a building during combat. 美国很多州法律规定,不允许进口自动武器 北约有自己的标准,为嘛要用毛氏?
战争终究是需要点策略的,应该使用各种技术手段降低人员伤亡才对。 文章射程的地方说的不明确,M16比Ak大,但具体是多少没说,多少很重要,大是好,可大的多了也没有用。