迷茫的维修 发表于 2018-3-31 19:31:38


印度历史上第一家在美国上市的公司(纳斯达克股票代码: INFY)。总部位于印度信息技术中心—班加罗尔市,在全球拥有雇员超过100,000 名,分布于27个国家, 56个主要城市(包括中国香港、美国、新加坡、日本、德国、阿根廷、澳大利亚、加拿大、法国、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士、阿联酋、英国)设有办事处或分公司。另已在上海张江高科技园区设立分公司,员工达1000人左右。在广州也有分部。
印孚瑟斯技术有限公司(Infosys Technologies Ltd)在1999年通过了CMMI5级(软件工程规范最高级别)认证,2000年位列全球20强,2008年《福布斯》全球最具声望排行榜位列第14位,2008年国际外包专业组织发布全球软件出口100强中,Infosys和埃森哲、IBM 名列全球前三名。

迷茫的维修 发表于 2018-3-31 19:32:48

I am a software developer at Infosys and my in hand salary is 16,040/month (~$246.53)

Am I happy? Man, you already know the answer. I work in Pune, so I do have a lot of expenses. Rent, Light Bill, Internet Bill, Furniture Rent, Food Expenses, Clothing Expenses, Travelling Expenses. After paying everything, I am hardly left with any money. I belong from a lower middle class family and my father earns about 12,000/ month, with my brothers still studying (my younger brother is pursuing engineering and my youngest brother is still in 10th standard) my father has to manage the expenses by putting ornaments as collateral to loan some money from moneylenders. But he can never save any money to pay those loan back. I somehow save some money to send them, Recently my family was going through financial crisis (its very common for us), so I somehow manage to save some money and also take some from credit card and send them for a couple of months. And now, I am in debt as well. I am owe bank a sum of about 23,000 which includes about 10,000 of interest.

Everytime I visit home (I am from Mumbai), my father offers me money while I’m leaving for Pune. They know that I have money problems. He even asks me why I don’t share any of my problems with them? What should I tell them? That its not just you, now I too have debts now. The money that I somehow save for you now has to go to bank for credit card bill and its hardly getting any low.

About Work at Infosys

The average working hour is 9.15 hrs but we end up working for 11–12 hrs everyday and we don’t get paid for overtime. Infosys bills the client a huge amount for each one of us. Even if I’m paid less, I do the same work as a guy with 40,000 salary.

And the other day I read this article

Uber driver earns more than Infosys techie? Here is what a report claims

which states that a Infosys techie makes 28,975.25/month as starting salary. I laughed my heart out as don’t even get paid the nominal salary.

I often think that rather than wasting all the money my father earned on me and my studies, if he would’ve a bought a house, the money he can earn from rent would’ve more than what I can give him. Or a Car, obviously to rent on Uber

Here’s my salary slip from a couple of months ago (I currently don’t have the latest one)

迷茫的维修 发表于 2018-3-31 19:32:53

本帖最后由 迷茫的维修 于 2018-3-31 19:34 编辑


2266998 发表于 2018-3-31 20:22:23




江洋大浪 发表于 2018-3-31 20:53:11

2266998 发表于 2018-3-31 20:22
这个不知道怎么回事,但人家还就是这么说的,不知道什么年代的,三哥,跟中国有一点不同,他们机械设计,或 ...


Spindoal 发表于 2018-3-31 21:17:07


江洋大浪 发表于 2018-3-31 21:50:34

江洋大浪 发表于 2018-3-31 20:53


大连侃爷 发表于 2018-4-1 13:18:23

本帖最后由 大连侃爷 于 2018-4-1 13:20 编辑

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 印度跨国企业的软件工程师才1600?