m3470 发表于 2016-12-17 21:54:55




m3470 发表于 2016-12-17 21:55:16

L'Hôpital controversy       

Bernoulli was hired by Guillaume de l'Hôpital for tutoring in mathematics. Bernoulli and l'Hôpital signed a contract which gave l'Hôpital the right to use Bernoulli’s discoveries as he pleased. L'Hôpital authored the first textbook on infinitesimal calculus, Analyse des Infiniment Petits pour l'Intelligence des Lignes Courbes in 1696, which mainly consisted of the work of Bernoulli, including what is now known as l'Hôpital's rule.

Subsequently, in letters to Leibniz, Varignon and others, Bernoulli complained that he had not received enough credit for his contributions, in spite of the fact that l'Hôpital acknowledged fully his debt in the preface of his book:

"Je reconnais devoir beaucoup aux lumières de MM. Bernoulli, surtout à celles du jeune (Jean) présentement professeur à Groningue. Je me suis servi sans façon de leurs découvertes et de celles de M. Leibniz. C'est pourquoi je consens qu'ils en revendiquent tout ce qu'il leur plaira, me contentant de ce qu'ils voudront bien me laisser."

"I recognize I owe much to the insights of the Messrs. Bernoulli, especially to those of the young (John), currently a professor in Groningen. I did unceremoniously use their discoveries, as well as those of Mr. Leibniz. For this reason I consent that they claim as much credit as they please, and will content myself with what they will agree to leave me."

crazypeanut 发表于 2016-12-18 00:16:50


1. 当时在洛必达死后,伯努利公布契约书也好,现在的观点也好,全部都是盖棺定论,名称是洛必达法则,发明人是洛必达,除了伯努利的后人,全世界没有任何异议

2. 伯努利的做法在当时看来是非常不地道的,因为欧洲非常讲契约精神,而且契约书真实有效,用现在的语言来说,伯努利在当时甚至被列入了失信者名单遭人唾弃 :lol

m3470 发表于 2016-12-18 12:08:10

crazypeanut 发表于 2016-12-18 00:16

1. 当时在洛必达死后,伯努利公布契约书也好,现在的观点也好,全部都是盖棺定论,名 ...

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