肥膘 发表于 2018-7-13 11:08:31


公园   坐在清晨密不见日的公园长凳上,看着穿 着运动装的人们慢跑与走动。      一阵风吹来,婆娑的树叶微微颤动,碎碎的阳光散落在地上,亲吻着露珠与小草。爪地而起的青龙木,树根凸出泥土像一条条青筋健硕有力。雨树,恣意生长着枝叶,根须从枝干上垂下宛若裙裳亦或长发,性感。   碗口大的黄盾柱木,树干上覆着不知是菌类还是苔藓,呈铜绿色。我看到了埋藏千年长满铜绿的青铜器。高贵,神秘,深遂而又幽远。      无意间看到地上长着一颗颗特别的小草羽毛状叶片,用手轻轻一触碰,叶片就会收缩,成瘪状。应该就是含羞草。微微凸起的小土堆,围着树木微微凹下的洼低小草与小乔木生无羁绊。      听着头顶上,小鸟发出轻脆,柔和的轻唱把我带到了一个幽深无人的空地,梦到了远方。   园中挂着一个介绍牌,白底红字穿插着图解,看得出设计公园之初经过很多考虑与细想。地下埋藏着很多收集雨水的水箱,水箱顶端加上一层覆盖物,再用砂石覆盖,每颗树周围弄很多低凹像干塘当水箱收集满雨水后,雨水溢出经过覆盖物,经过砂石过滤流向树周围的干塘,下雨经常且突然就形成很多洼地,沼泽地。      空气中弥漫着湿润,草木,泥土的清香。   有这样一个公园是件多么幸运的事,国土面积不大,能给出大片大片的土地来造这种公园政府之贤明,公民之幸事。                                                                                                                                           Friday,July 13, 2018                                                                                                                           Woodlands HorizonSingapore.

迷茫的维修 发表于 2018-7-13 11:38:09


changkongceyi 发表于 2018-7-13 11:45:42


Spindoal 发表于 2018-7-13 13:17:43


   One early morning , the sun was obscured by clouds ,i just sat on a park bench watching people in sportswear jog and walk.

   A gust of wind blew over, the dancing leaves trembled a little.The fragmentized sunlight scattered on the ground, kissing dewdrops and grass. The greenroot which is like blue vines and itpush out the ground ,like really strong and robust . Rain trees, growing branches and leaves at will , its roots from branches hanging down like skirts or long hair, how sexy it is .

    I accidentally saw that there were somespecial leaves of grass growing on the ground. When I touched itby hand, the leaves would contract and become shriveled. i thought Its name should be mimosa.A small mound of earth slightly raised,and it surrounded bygrass at low place, andsmall trees grow freely

    The small bird sing a beautiful song up on my head ,and ittook me to a deep, void space, and suddenly i thoughti see the futher land of my dream .

   An introduction card hanging there in the garden, and somered characters andthe white bottom on it,which is interspersed with cartoon too . it is easily understood that orginal designer really put lots of thoughts into it.There are a lot of water tanks which is used for collecting water buried in the ground.,A mulch was coverd on the top of water tank,and it was recovered with sand ,there are water tanks which like dry pond and it is used for collecting water,when the tank is full ,the rain water will be filtered by sand and flow into dry pond, it rains frequently and suddenly formed many swamps.

The air was saturated with the scent of moisture, vegetation, and solid.

How lucky it is to have a park like this , Singapore is not a big country ,but can use so much land to build such a beautiful park.it is civils' blessing to have a government like this.

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