lfdc 发表于 2017-1-11 12:41:49


本帖最后由 lfdc 于 2017-1-11 12:43 编辑

今天是发现Survival guide for mechanical engineers on the journeyto create astonishing engineering这篇文章一周年了,仔细阅读一遍后,里面的写建议与要求没有达到,有的还只是在听过的阶段。大学生活已经过了一大半了,回头看过去只剩下呵呵,没有了当初的雄心,只有了悔恨,本心已失。
1. Programming - Start with Matlab/Python. Thengraduate to C++. An example of a programming goal would be to use this tocreate your own computational graphics engines. Why? Because this teaches youabout visualizing vectors, arrays, transforms and leads you tohigher-dimensional algebra. Make sure you can understand and implementRunge-Kutta family of algorithms before you think you are done. Arecommendation would be to ditch Windows and move to some flavour of Linux orMac. You need to understand concepts behind batch/shell scripting and importingopen source scripts to embed inside your own. If you don't do anything else inyour freshman or sophomore years, that's fine. But make sure you master this.

2. Linear algebra anddifferential equations - Now,most ME syllabi force the courses on you early on. But very few MEs trulyunderstand these topics. This is the source of all ME theory. I CANNOT STRESSTHIS ENOUGH! Most ME professors DO NOT understand linear algebra or itsimportance - they will fuck it up for you so you will be confused/avoidderivative topics forever. Don't take these courses offered inside yourdepartment - take them from CS or EE or Math professors. Or learn it fromGilbert Strang on Youtube. Tie this together with your programming to createnumerical simulations. Do NOT take these courses until you are done with yourprogramming.

3. Statistics - Take this twice. Audit it as afreshman. Then take the course again as a senior. This will be the single mostimportant course you ever take as a professional in any field.

4. Engineering mathematics -The rest of your life depends onthis. Pay attention to spatial transforms, Fourier analysis, Complex analysis,Potential theory, PDEs, Interpolation/curve fitting, optimization theory. Lookfor ways to implement these concepts using your programming skills. If you everwonder about the usefulness of any of this, or you get the choice to skip a fewtopics - you are doing it wrong. Good engineers use these concepts EVERYDAY.

5. Dynamics/Advanced dynamics - Take this in the Physics department.ME profs screw it up here again, they focus on the mechanics of algebraicmanipulation and don't explain concepts very well. Your objective would be tobe able to independently construct FBDs of complex interacting mechanisms, andgenerate classical non/autonomous, non/linear differential equations thatdescribe the time-history of the system. Develop a familiarity with indexnotation and tensors and operator spaces. Your indicial programming experiencewill really help you here.

6. Statics/Solid mechanics - Master Timoshenko Goodier/Theory ofelasticity. Even if it takes you the rest of your life. If you got through point2, you should be able to point out the inefficiency of the SFDs and BMDs andMohr's circle concepts. Try visualizing the simple cases while cognizant thatlife is not simple. Use your programming finesse to program numerical solutionsto your ODEs and equations.

7. Vibration theory - If you actually got through point 2,you will find this a breeze. All they do here is study a second order,non/homogenous, non/autonomous non/dimensionalized ordinary differentialequation and the effects of parametric variations (mkc, forcing frequency). Ifyou got through 5, you should be able to figure out all the base excitation,seismic perturbation, isolation, rotating machinery concepts. If you gotthrough 6, then plates/beam vibration problems. If you got through 2 & 4,you will be able to work through MDOF systems and all the modal analysistechniques. This is where you segue to coupled SHO/QHO concepts.

8. Thermodynamics/Fluidics - I am not the right person to adviseon these topics. But they are pretty straightforward at the undergraduate leveland mostly applications of differential equations and continuum mechanics.

9. ReadISO/ASME/ASTM/ASTC/ASMI (standardsorganizations) standard practices. That's the only place where they really tellyou how theory meets practice. If you believe your university doesn't provideyou access to those - Sue them! Beg/borrow/steal. Whatever. But if you reallywant to know how things are done; Read the standards. Not the website and theirdiscussion forums. Read the standards.

10. Take/Audit courses on electromagnetism,digital electronics, electrical theory, VLSI/Silicon based designs, electricalmachinery. You should be able to design your own motor driver/filter/powerregulator/multivibrator circuits and implement them on PCBs. Start dipping intoembedded microcontrollers here. This is where you C++ experience should startpaying off.

11. Signal processing - Audio/image/Power signals - Masterthe topic of discrete Fourier transforms/spectral densities and how they areused and calculated. Figure out how digital sampling and digital filters workand how filters and masks get designed. Move on to z-transforms and recursivefilters. Your statistics background starts to become useful here. At leastfigure out how to manipulate images using pixel-array math.

12. Control systems - THIS ties up everything. And THISwas the topic that really got you into ME. You didn't join ME to make bridgesor prepare CAD layouts for GE ovens or tractor engines or boiler chambers forplants or be a grease monkey. You joined ME to make structures that move,intelligently. If you have done things right so far, this is where you will getto have fun. It ties together your dynamics and linear algebra first, thenprogramming, signal processing and statistics next, finally you implement itall using your electronics/embedded skills.

13. Instrumentation – People have equipment that costsbetween a thousand dollars to over several million. You need to learn how touse them, AND how to construct them. You will find that making equipment isalways cheaper than buying a turnkey system from a manufacturer. So companiesprefer to design/assemble their own systems. This should segue into design ofexperiments/statistical validation. Your goal should be to know how to hook upthe hydraulic pressure gauge in an EMD F51PHI locomotive cab suspended 10 ft upin a shed to an office in Minnesota.

(原文 侵权删)

373527271 发表于 2017-1-11 13:11:20


小弹壳 发表于 2017-1-11 13:19:20


ylan 发表于 2017-1-11 13:21:55


lfdc 发表于 2017-1-11 13:42:38

小弹壳 发表于 2017-1-11 13:19
我也经常看此文,有一个疑问,那就是我把数学分析,线性代数读完后,能不能结合Matlab进行练习,进行巩固呢 ...


Irving 发表于 2017-1-11 13:52:21


迷茫的维修 发表于 2017-1-11 19:52:10


迷茫的维修 发表于 2017-1-11 19:52:14


黄油饼干 发表于 2017-1-11 20:19:38

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