373527271 发表于 2018-12-14 15:24:22

Disillusioned dove more risk than bargaining hawk

本帖最后由 373527271 于 2018-12-14 15:25 编辑

From The Economist
CN should worry less about old enemies ,more about ex-friends
At his worst Mr Trump makes his trade war around like a ren renegotiation ,through which he wants to
make CN pay more foraccess to the valuable property known as the American economy. But Mr Trump
is not the actor in CN policy. Lots of decisions never reach his desk.
Indictment of alleged CN spies and hackers are said tobe on the way, along with tighter visa rules. Wise tech-firms are examiningwhethersensitive supply chains that run through CN are politically sustained.
Tensions may worsen quickly if CN sticks with a
state-dominated growth model. If so, expect accusations than anti-CN hawks have achieved a long-planned
victory. In truth ,brokenhearted advocates of engagement with CN will have failed.


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