A龙 发表于 2019-1-31 00:40:56


Hydrogen 氢

    STARS SHINE BECAUSE they are transmuting vast amounts of hydrogen into helium. Our sun alone consumes six hundred million tons of hydrogen per second, converting it into five hundred and ninety-six million tons of helium. Think about it: Six hundred million tons per second. Even at night.
    And where does the other four million tons per second go? It’s converted into energy according to Einstein’s famous formula, E=mc2. About three-and-a-half-pounds-per-second’s worth finds its way to the earth, where it forms the light of the dawn rising, the warmth of a summer afternoon, and the red glow of a dying day.
    The sun’s ferocious consumption of hydrogen sustains us all, but hydrogen’s importance to life as we know it begins closer to home. Together with oxygen it forms the clouds, oceans, lakes, and rivers. Combined with carbon (6),nitrogen (7), and oxygen (8), it bonds together the blood and body of all living things.
    Hydrogen is the lightest of all the gases-lighter even than helium-and much cheaper, which accounts for its ill-advised use in early airships such as the Hindenburg. You may have heard how well that went, though in fairness the people died because they fell, not because they were burned by the hydrogen, which in some ways is less dangerous to have in a vehicle than, say, gasoline.
    Hydrogen is the most abundant element, the lightest, and the most beloved by physicists because, with only one pro-ton and one electron, their lovely quantum mechanical formulas actually work exactly on it. Once you get to helium with two protons and two electrons, the physicists pretty much throw up their hands and let the chemists have it.
    遥望夜空,群星闪烁。那是它们在把巨量的氢嬗变为氦。单单我们的太阳每秒就消耗掉6亿吨氢,把 它转化成5.96亿吨氦。想想看,每秒6亿吨,即使在夜晚也一样。
    那么,另外的每秒钟400万吨到哪里去了呢?它们技照爱因斯坦的著名公式E=mc2转变成了能量。其中大约每秒3.5磅(1磅=0 4536千克)所创造的福祉降临到了我们的地球,赐予我们黎明的光辉、白天的温暖和黄昏的余晖。

By weight, 75 percent of the visible universe is hydrogen. Ordinarily it is a colorless gas, but vast quantities of it in space absorb starlight, creating spectacular sights such as the Eagle Nebula, seen here by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Tritium (3H) luminous key chain, illegal in the U.S. because it is deemed a “frivolous” use of this strategic material.
氚 (3H) 发光钥匙圈在美国是违法的,它被认为是对这种战略性资源的滥用。

Tritium watches, on the other hand, are legal in the U.S.

The sun works by turning hydrogen into helium.

The orange-red glow of an oxygen-hydrogen flame.

The mineral scolecite, CaAl2Si3O10·3H2O, from Puna, Jalgaon, India.

The inside of a high-speed thyratron, a type of electronic switch filled with a small amount of hydrogen gas.

数学有啥用 发表于 2019-1-31 11:57:38

very good!

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