离子渗注也可以,硬化工艺非常多,看具体场合,比如耐高温,冲刷,腐蚀,等等, 2266998 发表于 2019-9-24 21:57
柴油机凸轮轴也敷熔,有专业书籍,可以读 ...
多谢8爷,您了解国内哪家发动机缸盖应用这个技术么?下来我再找找相关书籍 2266998 发表于 2019-9-24 21:57
柴油机凸轮轴也敷熔,有专业书籍,可以读 ...
8爷了解30cr2ni4mov激光熔敷司太立吗?我们之前送出去激光熔敷,看着可以,一上车床车削就不行,等离子喷焊,未预热,有脱壳现象,预热后再焊还有延迟裂纹现象,预热后在线感应加热保温等离子喷焊,目前没发现问题。内在机理搞不明白,都是不断实验。 体彩排列5激光就可以敷熔,很薄的高合金层,工艺合理,台湾威力彩结合好,基层不裂,柴油机凸轮轴也敷熔,福彩3D有专业书籍,可以读一下,
Paying for sex dolls usa in installments is becoming an increasingly common option as the market for high-quality, lifelike dolls grows. These granny sexdolls often come with a significant price tag, ranging from hundreds to several thousand dollars, depending on features, materials, and customization. In the field of sex therapy, flat chested sex dolls show contradictory psychological effects. A clinic in London uses life size sex dolls to assist in the treatment of patients with sexual trauma. Their low-aggression physical characteristics increase the acceptance rate of treatment by 55%. However, a Harvard study in 2026 pointed out that male users who use flat chested sex dolls for a long time have a 41% lower tolerance for real female body defects. This cognitive bias produces a "reality contrast effect": when the skin of a life size sex doll is always smooth and the body shape is always perfect, physical changes in reality are more likely to be interpreted as "defects." Psychologists recommend the establishment of a usage time supervision system to prevent technical tools from being alienated into destroyers of mental health.