昨天吹风会上川总关于“紫外灯消毒”和“注射消毒水”的原话。“Supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but we’re going to test it?” 他转向Mr. Bryan,然后继续说:“And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, either through the skin or some other way.”“And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute — one minute — and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning?Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.”
看过《生活大爆炸》的童鞋都知道 Sheldon谢耳朵是个轻度自闭症(也许是阿斯伯格症)但智商超高的savant(savant这个词在 Abnormal Psychology 里特指严重自闭症患者但某一方面是天才的人)。在第一季第二集中Sheldon这个洁癖受不了邻居Penny家里乱成一锅粥的样子,居然半夜拿着人家给的备用钥匙偷跑进女生房间摸黑收拾屋子[笑cry],第二天一早被Lenard训斥➕讽刺。然鹅谢耳朵童鞋根本听不懂Lenard在讽刺他。Lenard无力吐槽说了句:“我是不是每次跟你说话都得自带个讽刺警告的提示牌啊!” 然后谢耳朵居然特吃惊地反问Lenard:“你居然还有‘讽刺警告’的提示牌[吃惊][吃惊]??” Lenard真的心累,只好正面回答他说自己没有这么个警告牌。话音刚落愤怒的Penny就冲进来质问谢耳朵凭什么未经许可私自进别人家还在她睡着的时候!谢耳朵说:“不光在睡觉,还打呼噜呢!这经常是呼吸道感染的征兆,你应该去看看呼吸科医生。”然后Penny说:“那么哪方面的医生能把扎屁股上的鞋给取下来?![二哈] ” 谢耳朵特认真地回答:“那得看扎进去多深……”,刚要继续专业性解说,看到了后面站着的Lenard迅速手写好的‘讽刺’警告牌[笑cry]。
他飘了吧,说这话很容易被断章取义的。把前面的supposeing去掉就很容易变成是真的了 川总威武:lol