373527271 发表于 2021-4-28 21:15:13


今天英国金融时报著名评论员Martin Wolf发表文章说,美国在制度、军事、外交、经济、科技、医疗、教育等方面都是绝对领先、遥遥领先的。在大多数领域,世界上所有的其它国家加起来还不如美国。
China is wrong to think the US faces inevitable decline.
Its economic assets are too great and, while America could falter, that would be its choice and not its fate.
One might argue that dominant US firms are no longer young. In addition, the US technology giants have bought many companies created elsewhere. Yet that is surely one of their strengths.

Moreover, the US continues to lead in venture capital. According to Dealroom, venture capital investment totalled $487bn from 2018 to the first quarter of 2021 in the US, against $379bn from all of China, UK, India, Germany, France, Canada, Israel and Singapore. Even as a ratio to GDP, US investment only came behind Israel and Singapore. In international patent filings, China was first in 2019, with 59,045 versus 57,705 by the US. But the rest of the top 10 countries were US allies. Combined with the US, their patent filings were almost 175,000.

Also important are universities. In one well-known ranking, 5 of the top 10 and 10 of the top 20 universities are American and only one is Chinese. Moreover, as Richard McGregor argues in his excellent book Xi Jinping: The Backlash, centralised control in China is becoming ever tighter. Such control never fosters sustained originality.

In all, the US picture is hardly one of a collapse into economic irrelevance, especially when combined with its allies. Even if China soon has the world’s biggest economy on all measures, it will still not be the most productive or innovative. Moreover, the US and its allies should remain ahead for a long time, even if Xi’s rule does not in fact ossify China’s economy.

The biggest threat to the US role in the world lies in itself, not China. If it elects leaders who despise democracy, ethnic diversity, global alliances, science and reason, it will surely decline. Republicans’ failure to repudiate the former president makes that more likely. Yet that would be the self-inflicted result of a failure to create a shared vision of a better future.

Chinese elites would then be correct that the US is on a path to ruin. But they might still be wrong to assume their own direction is better. Putting 1.4bn intelligent humans under the control of one party, controlled by one man, cannot be the best way.

A great US asset has been its ability to attract the world’s best and brightest. Two men born in India now run Microsoft and Alphabet. One of Google’s two co-founders was an immigrant from the Soviet Union. The nativism now on display runs against this. But diversity, within a framework of shared institutions and values, could still be a huge source of vitality in US strength in business, culture and politics.

The US is unlikely to remain the world’s dominant power, simply because China’s population is over four times bigger. Yet, provided the US remains democratic, free and open, it has a good chance of staying the world’s most influential country far into the future. If it decides instead to be what its reactionaries desire, it will fail. But that would be its own choice, not its fate.

2266998 发表于 2021-4-28 22:13:59


Hyperion 发表于 2021-4-28 21:36:40


老板安排每个员工的吃喝拉撒? 不是老板,就是员工疯了

qshnttd 发表于 2021-4-28 22:07:04


菜哥 发表于 2021-4-28 22:15:09


苕货小戴 发表于 2021-4-28 22:43:07

今年的四月格外漫长。光远说:当自家孩子一直不肯告诉你成绩的时候,其实已经告诉你了。 记得俺小时候没考好,俺会先跟俺娘讲,这次题目很难,我们班一哥也只考了多少分。。。
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