libing 发表于 2021-9-20 22:12:33


恒大是个很大的瓜,以前知道有这个公司,现在全国关注。恒大很大跟个小锅一样,大锅也是一样。你以为全在许家印一人掌控之下?那是你以前以为。许家印要掌控这么大的恒大,是通过许多干将,这些干将都强有力,if you want to let these man work for you,you need to give them good things,when the economy run well,they will make things good, but if not,they will not sit together with you in boat,and this is same as a big country. HD crack began the major leader decomposeinside and sneake delivery , but the biggest boss not concerned,he still boast everything is under control. But actually it’s not. No body can not disobey if the spot light on them, but the egg becomes many small holes when not conscious,and x j y not powerful as before,although no one willoppsite in front side.he also is lion king,buthe is a sick king.but when no meat to feed them,they will not the clows as before. These man is powerful when dig holes same as built the building.this building was built strongest ,but all the machine guns and cannons by they our soldiers,It becamea egg with many holes. This group is conbined many powerful man ,so these man pull various directions,the egg will crack. Maybe x j y want to save the company,but his claws want to save themselves firstly,

libing 发表于 2021-9-20 22:17:44

maybe a country trail is similar, like a more bigger company.
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