2266998 发表于 2024-4-13 13:36:45


4月10号,骚鸟有篇文章,No Substitute for Victory,文字有些拗口,观点非常明确,有功夫去读一下吧!哈,阿拉的观点你明白吗?绝不踢馆,你不随意惹事生非儿,外界未必非要打你,哈,而臭虫逗你,不理会啊!非要打架,那就打,拼命啊!你不能到处挑事儿,出事儿了想跑?跑不了,









迷茫的维修 发表于 2024-4-13 13:42:43

本帖最后由 迷茫的维修 于 2024-4-13 13:58 编辑


Biden’s diplomats pulled longtime allies and newer partners closer together. They organized the first summits of the Quad, or Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, bringing together the leaders of Australia, India, Japan, and the United States, and convened high-profile trilateral summits with the leaders of Japan and South Korea. Biden also unveiled AUKUS, a defense pact among Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

ylan 发表于 2024-4-13 14:19:28


ylan 发表于 2024-4-13 14:21:47


拉斯特 发表于 2024-4-13 14:43:16

Amid a presidency beset by failures of deterrence—in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and the Middle East—the Biden administration’s China policy has stood out as a relative bright spot. The administration has strengthened U.S. alliances in Asia, restricted Chinese access to critical U.S. technologies, and endorsed the bipartisan mood for competition. Yet the administration is squandering these early gains by falling into a familiar trap: prioritizing a short-term thaw with China’s leaders at the expense of a long-term victory over their malevolent strategy. The Biden team’s policy of “managing competition” with Beijing risks emphasizing processes over outcomes, bilateral stability at the expense of global security, and diplomatic initiatives that aim for cooperation but generate only complacency.

The United States shouldn’t manage the competition with China; it should win it. Beijing is pursuing a raft of global initiatives designed to disintegrate the West and usher in an antidemocratic order. It is underwriting expansionist dictatorships in Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. It has more than doubled its nuclear arsenal since 2020 and is building up its conventional forces faster than any country has since World War II. These actions show that China isn’t aiming for a stalemate. Neither should America.

What would winning look like? China’s communist rulers would give up trying to prevail in a hot or cold conflict with the United States and its friends. And the Chinese people—from ruling elites to everyday citizens—would find inspiration to explore new models of development and governance that don’t rely on repression at home and compulsive hostility abroad.

米兰的小铁匠 发表于 2024-4-13 14:47:53

哈哈,那不是老麦的名言吗,俺还能背下来:' I know war, few others who now live know it, in war there's no substitute for victory. ' 还能回味起老麦低沉深长的语气,上学时听过他的国会演讲和西点演讲的音频
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