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SOLIDWORKS CLOUD R2024x FD03实现多级图纸盖章审批









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-9-6 12:05:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Salih Alani 于 2013 年加入 SOLIDWORKS公司。在 2020 年加入 SOLIDWORKS 产品管理团队之前,他曾担任 SOLIDWORKS 技术支持职位,专注于核心 SOLIDWORKS、DraftSight、许可(在线许可)和 3D CONTENTCENTRAL 的首席技术支持、企业订阅服务 (ESS) 客户帐户的技术支持客户经理以及达索系统沃尔瑟姆 VAR 性能调整研讨会的首席组织者。他现在专注于 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS 和 SOLIDWORKS 云角色,以及 3DEPERIENCE Platform 上的协作。
Salih Alani 毕业于伊拉克巴格达科技大学,获得机械工程学士学位,毕业于波士顿东北大学(Northeastern University),获得机械工程理学硕士学位,专攻机械和设计。

One of the new collaboration features we refer to as multi-level approval for drawing stamping is going to help you do just that – speed up the drawing release process. The latest functional delivery (FD) update for 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS with Cloud Services, R2024x FD03 gives you the ability to set multi-level approvals during the drawing release process. Using the Route Management app, you can create a task/notification for a colleague, such as the engineering or manufacturing manager to let them know a drawing is ready for their review/approval.
What’s especially great about this new feature is that as tasks are approved, the time stamp will automatically show the approval status on the drawing, so there is no need for manual work

Before you begin, set up your SOLIDWORKS drawing template to include the necessary PLM attributes for the approval process. You can add these attributes, like “Approver” and “Approved on,” to a note in the title block of the drawing. These attributes automatically appear in SOLIDWORKS properties when it is connected to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, so no extra setup or mapping is needed.

Now once you are done with the initial setup, you can get the approval process rolling. The first thing you have to do is freeze the drawing.  Next open up the Route Management app in the MySession panel, start a New Template and click on Properties and enter your title, for example, “plate insert approval.” Then click on Tasks and add the recipient that this task needs to go to and hit apply. Hit the + arrow next to the task window for the task you just created and add the next person who is in line to review, such as the manufacturing manager. You can also add specific instructions, for example, “manufacturing approval required for further processing.” Once you hit apply you can then hit the Release button.

Open the Change Execution app from MySession, then click the Change Action icon on the left side of the screen. Enter the title, in the example in the video I used “plate insert”, select Members, and add the task route template that was previously created. This will appear in the Approver drop-down menu. Click Add to confirm.
Note: The route template will act as the approver since it includes the sequential approval tasks for engineering and manufacturing.

Next, simply grab the Plate insert drawing from the FeatureManager Design Tree and drag and drop it into the Proposed Changes tab of the change action.
Change the Maturity state to “in Approval” and that kicks in the drawing approval process.
Once the engineering manager gets to the task, they can open it and review the drawing in 3DPlay from any device, and then approve or suggest further changes.
Right after the engineering manager approves the drawing, it will go to the manufacturing manager to do to the final approval and release the drawing to production.

Finally, the designer gets notified when the drawing is approved and released, and they can simply go back to the Change Execution app and click on the change action then click Approvals, Realized Changes.
While this may seem like a lot of steps it takes very little time to get through this process.
you will find that this workflow really delivers on the promise of providing a simple and unified workflow on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, enabling anyone who is part of the approval process to easily log in from a web browser, review the drawing, and approve it – anywhere and at any time.
This is just one of the many great new enhancements available to you now in 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS and SOLIDWORKS with Cloud Services that enable you to connect your data to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and take advantage of a slew of time-saving collaboration and data management capabilities.


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