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发表于 2016-9-10 07:56:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum" (If you want peace, prepare for war) - Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus

It is all about China’s right to peaceful development for the next 100 years and I think they will go all out to defend this right, including doing battle against the mightiest nation on this planet-the United States- in the South China Seas.This is no bluff, just like how China reacted when the United States failed to heed China’s warnings to back away from its northern border near Korea back in 1950. China’s participation in the Korean War resulted in creating a buffer which enable China a much-needed 50 years of peaceful nation-rebuilding and economic development free from military threats, destabilization and subversion emanating from the United States’ military and intelligence apparatus near China’s heavy industrial base in North-Eastern China(From 1949 to 1973, the US is vehemently anti-communist=anti-China)

Fast forward today, US nuclear-armed submarines prowling the world’s ocean with impunity has created a clear and present danger to all Chinese coastal cities from a first strike destruction from the heavily-armed Ohio SSBNs, especially if those US SSBNs operating from Philippines bases were to sneak up real close in the South China Seas which China will be vulnerable in defense Due to close proximity. With the advent of US pivot in 2011 designating China as the next top ideological foe since the fall of the Soviet Union , the United States goes all out to contain China’s economic growth to prevent it surpassing the US in economic clout and to reduce capital flight to China. To accomplish that, part of the plan involves the deploymment of two-thirds of US Navy in the West Pacific region and that is why China had sped up island reclamations since 2013 to set up submarine monitoring stations to ensure the South China Seas is not used by US naval assets to threaten China’s coastal cities.

China is not interested in the oil and fishing rights or resources in the South China seas, but what matters most to China is to secure the right to continue peaceful economic development for the next 100 years, and China will defend this right resolutely after suffering a 100 years of humiliation for not defending Chinese littorals properly during the 19th century from foreign invasion. I seriously doubt China will repeat the same mistake.


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